Drawer: GLIDE Center Metal (Kenlin, 3/4 Ext.), DOVETAIL English Front & Back, Fully Finished Inside (Full Ext. & Felt-Lined Only for Jewelry Drawer), Safety Stop, Manual Closing, Hdw: Single Pull Knobs Top Drawers, Handle Jewerly Drawer, Double Pull Knobs Mid & Bottom Drawers, Chrome Finish, Metal
Construction: Wooden Case Good with Veneer (3D Foil), Rbw and Chipboard
Drawer Size: A) 20" x 14" x 8"H (Top 3 Drawers, Single Knob), B) 29" x 14" x 9"H (Bottom 4 Drawers, Double Knobs), C) 29" x 14" x 3"H (Mid 2 Jewelry Drawers, Sparkling Fronts, Single Pull Handle)